A Message from Business Manager Chris Erikson
Yes, it’s all about the toys for the kids, big and little, gifts for friends and loved ones. Pressure, too, for the procrastinators and the late shoppers. Money could be tight or there could be something worse, not having anyone to give a gift to or to get one from. The holidays can be tough on a lot of people for lots of reasons, and if you know someone who is alone, consider opening your heart and your home. That may be the greatest gift you could ever give to somebody. Maybe a member or a neighbor, or someone feeling a little down.

The holiday season is about giving, togetherness, joy, peace, and love. It is my hope that the members of Local 3 experience all of that this week as we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. As always, let’s not forget those less fortunate than most of us, and especially those suffering in the Middle East and Ukraine, along with the active members of our military who may be in harm's way while protecting our freedoms.
We are blessed and lucky to live in the greatest country in the world. God Bless Local 3, all of its members, and their families, and Happy New Year, brothers and sisters!