Construction Desk

Thomas Maguire was born in Flushing, Queens, to Irish immigrant parents, Brendan and Kathleen. He grew up in New Hyde Park, Long Island, and graduated from Holy Trinity High School in Hicksville in 2000.

Thomas is a first-generation Local 3, IBEW member and was accepted into the Local 3 Apprenticeship Program in 2003, during which he received an Associate’s Degree in Labor Studies at SUNY Empire State College. After earning his ‘A’ card, Thomas worked on various projects throughout Local 3’s jurisdiction, and most recently as a Shop Steward in Queens.

At the September 2023 General Membership meeting, Business Manager Erikson appointed Thomas as Business Representative assigned to the Construction Desk.

Thomas is a member of the Wage and Policy Committee, the Catholic Council, and the Local 3 Golf Club. He has volunteered for the MAP program and serves as a mentor in Local 3’s Mentorship Program. Thomas served as co-chairman of the Organizing Committee, and he has represented Local 3 numerous times at the IBEW Membership Development Conference. Thomas has twice served on Local 3's Election Board.

Thomas is a proud member of the Allied Club of Queens, where he has served on the Board of Directors and as Legislative Chairman, Corresponding Secretary, and Vice President.

Thomas lives in Malverne, New York, with his wife, Kara, and two children, Maeve and Brendan.