Upon the resignation of Robert Massato Jr. from the Executive Board, Business Manager Christopher Erikson named Robert Foxx for recommendation to fill brother Massato’s unexpired term. The Board acted upon this recommendation and elected Brother Foxx to the Executive Board of Local Union No. 3.
Rob was initiated into Local 3 in 2008. As an apprentice, he became involved with the Apprentice Advisory Committee as Sergeant-at-Arms and Chairperson. Also, as an apprentice he was selected to the Young Workers Committee.
Every year Rob works the Electchester Street Fair, the Night Out Against Crime and the Electchester Tree and Menorah lighting.
As an MIJ in 2013, Rob was selected to sit on the “M” Negotiating Committee. He received his “A” card in August of 2013 and later the same year he was elected to the Wage & Policy Committee. In 2016 he was selected to the “A” Construction CBA Negotiating Committee.
Rob is an officer of the Sportsmen’s Club and sits on the Board of Directors for the Latimer Progressive Association and Santiago Iglesias Educational Society. He also serves as the Legislative Chairperson of Santiago Iglesias. Rob serves as the Recording Secretary for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and is a member of the Grievance Committee.
Rob was a Shop Steward for Business Representative Anthony Falleo. He is currently a Foreman at Vorcom Communications, which is the fiber side of Verde Electric. He is also a Rigging Instructor and Apprentice Mentor.