Date Posted

Local 3 takes great pride in our Apprenticeship Program, which trains the best electricians in the world. Unfortunately, the Carpenters Union is trying to modify their New York State Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program by adding work of the electrician to be included. This is unacceptable! Allowing other trades to train on electrical equipment, such as solar PV systems, would undermine our apprenticeship and certification programs.

Copy and paste the following text into your email browser and send an email to the Apprenticeship & Training Council of the NYS Department of Labor to make sure your voice is heard on this important matter.


Subject Line: Attention: Comments on Trade Outline Update



Organization: Local Union No. 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


As a member of Local Union No. 3 IBEW, I went through a rigorous apprenticeship that focused on skills and safety training while in the classroom and on the job. The apprenticeship programs of my local union and the other IBEW locals throughout New York State are the gold standard and leaders in electrical apprenticeships across the country. We cannot allow our programs and trade to get watered down. Nor can we put the safety of the public and other workers like me on job sites across the state at risk by allowing improperly trained people from other trades to work on electrical installations like solar.

Allowing such training on electrical equipment and systems already taught in the electrical apprenticeship would undermine our programs. It could harm the public by giving other trades workers a false confidence to work on electrical systems without a full understanding of the hazards and safety requirements. It could lead to damaged equipment putting electrical workers and customers at risk. There is no reason for training on electrical equipment to be included in any apprenticeship program other than for electricians like myself.

Thank you for your time and consideration.