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Important announcements were made at the General Membership Meeting that took place on Thursday, April 8. Local 3 and the Joint Industry Board have tentatively planned to host meetings and events at the Electrical Industry Center, which will be subject to some continued restrictions. The Divisions and Affiliated Clubs of Local 3 will be able to host in-person meetings after June 1, and the Long Island Educational Center in Cutchogue will reopen on the first weekend of June with some attendance restrictions and new schedules for the Critical Thinking program taught by Dr. Partha Banerjee with the assistance of Stephanie Saladino.

The JIB also tentatively plans to host the Scholarship Breakfast in person, subject to protocols, later in the spring to celebrate the efforts of the recipients and their families. In the meantime, scholarship applicants will be notified shortly of the results for the 2021 program.

As announced prior to the General Membership Meeting, the nomination of Delegates and Alternate Delegates was completed on Thursday. There was an equal amount of nominations for Delegates as Delegate positions so one vote was cast by the Recording Secretary in acclimation. Because there were more nominees for Alternate Delegates than positions, a special meeting and election will be held at the same location on Monday, May 3 at 5:00 p.m. Mike Felipe conducted the nominations as Election Judge.

Business Manager Chris Erikson will attend the convention as the Chairman of the International Executive Council (IEC). In his remarks at the meeting, the Business Manager highlighted the gains for working people in the New York State 2021-22 budget, International President Lonnie Stephenson’s message in the latest Electrical Worker, the opportunity that labor now has with the Biden administration and the need to organize non-union shops like Top Shelf across New York City.