Date Posted

A Message from Business Manager Chris Erikson

Our Brotherhood took a hit last month with the passing of two members of the Local 3 family, Business Representative Anthony Esponda and Examining Board Member Kevin Collins.

Anthony served our Local with distinction for nearly 20 years on staff. He was a member of the Fixture Division and moved on to represent those members in the Manufacturing Department as a Business Representative with a passion that defined him. Our condolences go to his wife Wanda and to his children. He was special and will be sorely missed.

Examining Board member Kevin Collins also served the membership with distinction. Kevin was a dedicated instructor, mentor, and longtime officer of Local 3. We will be holding a memorial service at the Electrical Industry Center Auditorium at 5:00 PM this Thursday, August 15 for Kevin.

Both of these men were taken from us too soon. Everyday is a blessing, life is precious, and we never know what tomorrow is going to bring. Peace.

Representative Anthony Esponda and Examining Board Member Kevin Collins