Second Reading of Proposed Amendment to Bylaws
Dear Member,
As per the Bylaws of Local Union No. 3 IBEW, Article XV Amendments, Section 2(a); The Bylaws may be amended or changed by any such proposal being submitted in writing and read at two (2) regular meetings of the Local Union and decided at the second meeting by a majority vote of the members present and voting.
The proposed amendment submitted by President Cleary and read for the 1st time at the December 12, 2024, General Membership meeting reads:
Local Union No. 3 IBEW received a communication from the International Office notifying the Local that each local union must review their current Bylaws to ensure compliance with the new Pattern Bylaw Language set by the International Office. Upon receiving the communication, Local Union No. 3 made the necessary changes to the current Local 3 Bylaws and submitted them to the International Office for approval.
In response, The International Office is requiring Local Union No. 3 to vote on the following proposed amendment to Article III, Section 4. The change is as follows:
Local Union No. 3’s Current Bylaw Language:
Sec. 4. (a) Nominations for the Elections of Election Board shall open at the General Membership Meeting in March 2014 and every 3 years thereafter, and close at the March General Membership Meeting. A judge and twelve (12) tellers shall be elected to serve as the Election Board to conduct elections. No candidate for any office shall be eligible to serve on this board. The names of those nominated for the Election Board shall be listed in alphabetical order on the ballot. The election shall be held at a place and time as decided by the Local Union. The thirteen (13) elected shall decide which one of them shall be the Judge.
Local Union No. 3’s New Pattern Bylaw Language:
Sec. 4. (a) At a general or specially called meeting of the Local Union at least eighty (80) days prior to the meeting of the Local Union when nominations are made, the President shall appoint an Election Judge. In addition, the Local Union by a majority of members present shall elect as many Tellers as are required, who shall serve as an Election Board to conduct the election. No candidate for any office shall be eligible to serve on this Board.
The 2nd reading and vote of the proposed Bylaw Change will take place at the General Membership meeting being held on January 9, 2025, in the Joint Industry Board Auditorium (158-11 Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Avenue, Flushing, NY 11365) at 5:00 PM.
Michael J. Loreto
Recording Secretary