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Imagine the world before modern medicines: People died right and left from infections, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, asthma and so much more. Today modern medicines save countless lives ‰ÛÒ but only if you use them!
The three most common reasons medicines do not work:
1.‰ÛâThe patient is not taking it.
2.‰ÛâThe patient is not taking it.
3.‰ÛâThe patient is not taking it.
If you do not take your medicines as prescribed, they will not help! If you have any questions or doubts, ask the expert you hired ‰ÛÒ your doctor.
Statins are among the safest medicines available and they save millions of lives.
Here are some reasons people do not take medicine they really, really need:
‰ÛÄ“I’m afraid of statin medicines.”
People have been very badly misinformedåÊ by well-meaning friends and relatives, by the media that gets so much wrong, by silly, unreliable stuff on the Internet, by just being afraid without finding out the real facts.
Actually, statins are among the safest medicines there are, and they are extremely effective.
Nothing is 100% safe. You sensibly use a car to have a fuller life, even though 33,000 people die in car accidents. Almost no one ever dies from modern statin medications.
You should take medicines when they are reasonably safe and when you really need them - especially when the risk of not taking them is so very much greater. Risks from statins are so low they are hard to even measure, but the risk of a heart attack, stroke, dementia, erectile dysfunction and many other things statins help prevent is very high.
‰ÛÄ“I don’t want to take medicines! I want to do it the natural way.”
That would be great if it was enough. Living a healthy lifestyle is really, really important, but when you need medicines, you are gambling your life and health on lifestyle alone.
Some people also use herbal products, but they are not natural, few of them do the things they claim to do, many can be very harmful and they all cost a lot for no value at all.
Whatever you believe gave us life and our world also gave us science. We should honor the gift by using it when needed!
‰ÛÄ“I’m worried about possible side effects.”
Suppose, heaven forbid, you are dying of pneumonia and your doctor happily tells you he has found an antibiotic to cure you. You ask (cough, wheeze) if it has any side effects and the doctor says a few people get a stomachache. Hopefully you would not say, “Oh, I won’t take that.”
The only difference between pneumonia and high cholesterol? The cholesterol just takes longer to make you sick or to kill you.
Which is riskier? Statin medicines, which are extremely low risk, to prevent getting a heart attack or stroke, or, getting a heart attack or stroke because you did not take the medicine? That is easy to answer.
When deciding what to do, always consider the risk of what you are doing, but also the risk of not doing it.
Side effects, if they occur (which is not very often with statins) can usually be eliminated. If not, the worst is that you might have to stop a medicine you really need, but the side effects will wear off.
The risk of statin medicines is extremely small. The risk of heart attack, stroke, å_dementia, erectile dysfunction and a lot more can be very high if you do not take a statin when you need it.
‰ÛÄ“I’m not a medicine-taking kinda person. I don’t like to take medicines, so I won’t, even if I need it.”
If your child came to you and said, “Dad and Mom, I’m just not a going-to-school kinda kid,” would you say, “That’s fine Billy (or Sally), just go out to play”?
No, you would rightly zip your child off to school!
Sometimes, in fact quite often, we have to do things we would rather not do (staying in bed instead of going to work, going to the DMV, having dental work), but we do it because we know it is important. What is more important than being healthy? Unlike those other things, taking your medicines is extremely easy, painless and takes only moments.
Think very carefully before you deprive yourself of the miracle medicines that science has given you!