Business Manager Erikson is asking all members of Local 3 to submit comments on the Draft Scoping Plan by the Climate Action Council, who has been tasked with lowering emissions in NYS under the Climate Leadership Community and Protection Act. The deadline for comments is July 1, 2022, so we need you to act immediately.

We all understand the importance of addressing the climate crisis and NY State has been a leader in these efforts through legislation and committees, to ensure the future in our state and country will be a viable and safe environment for all.

The Draft Scoping Plan is the initial framework for how the State will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve net-zero emissions, increase renewable energy usage, and ensure climate justice. However, in its current Draft, it calls for an aggressive timeline to ban natural gas which would have an immediate negative impact on IBEW jobs and also on the State's ability to ultimately transition to fully renewable energy sources.

We need every member of Local 3 to act today by using the template text below, personalize it with your name, Local Union number, and town, and submit your comments to the Public Comment Submissions page here When you submit your comments, check the box for "Chapter 18 Gas System Transition"

Elected officials continue to talk up a "just transition" as a necessary part of addressing the climate crisis, however, we need to hold them accountable so that the actions match the rhetoric. The Draft Scoping Plan needs to ensure good union jobs aren't just lost, but there is actual growth and expansion of good-paying, union jobs in the industries most related to the climate crisis. The Draft Scoping Plan needs to have a realistic timeline for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, using all options available for power generation. And finally, the Draft Scoping Plan needs to address the impacts and costs of the Plan on all NYS residents.

Now is the time to step up and have your voice heard at this critical time as we all work together in New York to address the Climate Crisis. Please submit your comments by July 1, 2022.

Create your message

Please fill out the form below, click submit and copy your message on the next page
to be inserted in the "Comments" section on the NYSERDA website: and be sure to check the box for
"Chapter 18 Gas System Transition".

Your Name