The Electrical Workers Death Benefit Society was established on January 1, 1940, by the membership of Local Union 3, I.B.E.W. for payments of death benefits for members in good standing. Please confirm your benefit and beneficiary information by calling 718-591-4400. If you require a change of beneficiary form please click below:
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Download and Fill-out the Form
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Once completed return the form to:
Electrical Workers Death Benefit Society
158-11 Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Avenue – 4th Floor
Flushing, NY 11365
Call: (718) 591-4400
The benefits administered by the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry and the Trust for the IBEW Pension Benefit fund are not related the EWDBS. The EWDBS bears no responsibility for the information contained in the following links:
- If you need forms from the Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry, please go to the following:
JIBEI - Forms & Documents
- If you need forms from the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund, please go to the following:
IBEW - Pension & Reciprocity Department