Well the saying "A good time was had by all," certainly was true of our time at the Educational Center in July! Always fun to catch up with old & new friends and enjoy the camaraderie amidst the beauty of Santorini & the North Fork.
We were fortunate to attend a very informative and relevant lecture by Marcus O'Toole-Gelo, Esq. on Estate Planning, Elder Law, Asset Protection and related guidelines, documents and laws.
We also attended a lecture given by Erica A. Vinas, RD, CDE, on Nutrition for Liver Health, which proved to be very interesting and informative! As always Erica treated us also to a few healthy food samples and, in closing, we had a fun exercise workout period!
We also enjoyed some of the great restaurants in the area, had a yummy pot luck dinner night in the community room, and a great farewell BBQ on our last night!
One afternoon many of us went on a 2-hour Lighthouse Cruise out of Orient Point. This was a wonderful, relaxing and informative cruise, where we saw and learned about 8 lighthouses and several islands in the area. I would recommend this cruise to other groups visiting the Educational Center. So yes, A good time certainly was had by all!!!
Photography by Abe Fichtenbaum