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Thanks to pro-worker and pro-union policies and appointments made under the Biden-Harris Administration, there’s good news coming out of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which oversees union elections and enforces federal labor law. According to data recently released by the NLRB before the end of the current fiscal year in September, it has received more than 2,600 union election petitions, already surpassing last year’s total, and the number of petitions filed to regional NLRB offices has increased 32% since last year. Unions and new members are also winning more often, with a 79% win rate that far surpasses the usual two-thirds.

This comes at a time when unions have their highest public approval ratings in decades, especially among young workers. Local 3, IBEW has already started reaching out to non-union workers in the building trades about their rights and how to organize a union. These efforts will strengthen our union while raising the standards of working conditions and benefits for all workers. If you know someone who may be interested in organizing a non-union employer, please have them contact one of our Organizers via the Local 3 website.